How To Customize Your Agency's Deployment Tags

Have you ever been asked to assist another agency (internal or external) with a deployment?

Our guess would probably be yes!

Now, you can document this agency assist within your deployment logs, and filter this information in your reports for statistical purposes.

How to Use Tags in Deployment Logs

  • Go to the “+” sign at the top right of the screen and open a new deployment log
  • Fill in the “Start” and “End” time and “Incident Type” fields
  • Use the “Tags” field to select the name or type of agency assisted (these can be added in your Settings -> Log Options as a customization)

How To Add Or Edit Deployment Tags?

Note: You’ll find this feature in your agency settings, and only administrators can make changes.

To customize your tags, just follow the steps below:

  • Go to your profile at the top right of the page.
  • Scroll down to “Settings” and choose "Deployment Options"
  • Click the blue "Create" option and you will be able to add and update the name of any agency or group.

How to Filter Tags in The Logs Screen

There may be times in which you need to extract data from specific logs in which you assisted another agency.
To do this, follow the simple steps below:
  • Click on the “Logs” option in the blue bar towards the top middle of the screen 
  • Click on the “Deployments” tab
  • On the panel on the left-hand side, you will see an "Other” option below the K9 section
  • Click into the “Tags” field underneath “Other” and select the appropriate filter from the list that pops up
  • The screen will now filter to display all deployment logs that include the agency assisted!

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