How to Add, Edit, or Deactivate a K9
How to Add a New K9
Note: To add or edit K9s in your Dogteampro software, the logged-in user must have “Administrator” permissions.
- Click on the profile in the top right and select “Settings.”
- Click on the K9 option.
- On the top right corner click the “Create” button.
Enter in the following information:
- Name - The name of the K9 (Required)
- Breed - The breed type of the K9
- Start Date - The date the K9 started with your agency
- Birthday - If known
- Required Monthly Training Hours - Add this for reporting purposes
- K9 Type - Add your K9 area of expertise.
- Status - Change to “Active”
- Handler - Dogteampro user who will be creating training or deployment logs for this K9.
Note: The "K9 type" option will allow you to filter training and deployment options.
Click “Save” to apply the changes
How to Edit a K9
To edit a K9, click on the K9 you wish to edit, or hover over the K9's name and click on "Edit".
Click on "Edit" and update the fields with the new information.
Click save and your changes will be applied to your K9's information.
How to Deactivate a K9
First, access your K9's profile and click on the "Edit" option.
Click on the "Status" dropdown and click on "Inactive" and save the changes.