How To Add, Edit, and Audit Your Agency's Training Aids

The Training Aids feature allows you to create presets for your frequently used odors. When added to a training exercise, the training aid automatically fills in the odor, default amount, unit, and description for you, so you don’t have to enter the details each time.

Additionally, the Training Aids feature includes an audit log, which lets system administrators see the history of a training aid. The log shows what changed, who made the changes, and when they were made.

How to Add a New Training Aid

To get started, head over to Settings. From there, click the Training Options dropdown and choose Training Aids. Once you’re in, just follow these steps:

Note: You’ll find this feature in your agency settings; only administrators can make changes.

  • Click Create to add a new training aid.

  • Click on the dropdown and select the odor type.

Note: Click the following link to learn how to add new odor types to your Dogteampro account. How To Add Or Edit Odors (Training Items)

  • Enter the default amount.
  • Choose the unit type that applies (such as grams, ounces, etc.).
  • If needed, add an optional description to clarify details about this aid.

  • Assigned To: Assign the training aid to the  Dogteampro user responsible for it, or choose the "Safe" option if it’s stored in a secured location.
  • Date Acquired: Record when the aid was acquired to track its age.
  • Serial Number: If your training aid has an identifying code, you can include it for easy tracking.
  • Status: You can mark a training aid as “Active” or “Inactive” to keep track of whether it’s currently in use.
  • Hit Save. Your new training aid is ready to use in future training sessions.

How to Update And Audit Your Training Aids

The training aid audit feature helps supervisors verify that the odors used in training are accurate, compliant, and properly documented. It also tracks any changes in the weight of regulated substances, whether the training aid is assigned to a user or stored in a safe location, and shows who performed the audit to ensure you’re always prepared for reviews.

  • Hover over the existing training aid item and click on Edit.
  • Make sure the "Mark As Audit" checkbox is checked.
  • Update any fields such as the new amount, which will change from that point forward, and click on Save.

  • An Audit Comment box will appear for you to add notes specific to this audit.

  • After entering your comments, click Audit. This will add the changes under the Audit History section.

How To View Audit History Details

The training aid audit history helps you track changes and ensure everything is up-to-date and accurate for inspections, training records, or reviews.

You can view a summary of your training aids in the training aids table, which includes:

  • Odor name
  • Amount
  • Description
  • Date Acquired
  • Who the aid was assigned to or if it was stored in a safe location.
  • Last audit date

To see a detailed history of changes, click on the training aid and select the list icon next to the "Mark As Audit" option. This will show you the audit history including the following information:

  • Record Type
  • Name of Auditor
  • Activity Type
  • Description of the audit

How to View Reports for Training Aids Used in Your Training

Generating training aid reports helps supervisors track how frequently training aids are used in training. You can click on the date to open the training log where the training aid was used.

For a summary of all training aids used in your training:

  • Go to the Report section by clicking the Report option at the top of the screen.
  • Select the Training Log tab.
  • In the menu on the right, choose Training Aid Usage.
  • Use the available filters to customize your view and show the specific information you need.
  • If required, export the report to PDF for external use.

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