How To Add Or Edit Odors (Training Items)

Adding A New Odor (Training Items)

If you’re creating a training log in Dogteampro and can’t find a specific odor or training item, or if you need to adjust an existing one, adding or customizing odors and training items in your agency is the way to go.
Dogteampro allows you to easily add or customize odors in the app. This ensures your K9’s training is always accurate, matches what you’re working on, and keeps everything organized just the way you need it. With just a few clicks, you can make sure everything your K9 is working on is properly documented and easily accessible.
Note: You need administrator access to add new odors and training items in your agency.
First, click on your user icon, then select "Settings." In the left navigation menu, click on the "Odors" option.

Next, click on the "Create" button in the top right corner of the odors table and fill in the required information.

  • Add the Odor Name: Enter the name of the odor you want to create. This name will be used to identify the odor in your training logs.
  • Add Units: Specify the units for this odor. The units you set here will be automatically added to your training logs, so you won’t have to select them every time.
  • Add a K9 Type: If you want to filter this odor for specific K9 types (e.g., narcotics, explosives, etc.), you can choose the appropriate K9 type from the list. If you leave this field empty, the new odor will be available for every K9 type.

Once you’ve filled in all the required information, click "Save" to apply the changes. Your new odor is now ready to be used in your training logs.

Editing An Existing Odor Or Training Item

  • Find the item you want to edit in the odors table and hover your mouse over it.
  • When the "Edit" option appears, click on it to open the editing screen.
  • Once you’re on the editing screen, you can follow the same steps as when creating a new odor:
    • Update the Odor Name if needed.
    • Adjust the Units to ensure they automatically populate in your training logs.
    • Modify the K9 Type if you want to filter the item for specific K9 types, or leave it as is to keep it available for all types.

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